Ahab versteigern Band-Memorabilia für die Ukraine

Die deutschen Doom-Metaller AHAB haben auf Facebook angekündigt, Memorabilia aus ihrer Bandhistorie via Ebay zu versteigern. Die Einnahmen werden komplett zugunsten der Ukraine gespendet. Los geht es mit der „Moby Dick“-Ausgabe, mithilfe derer die Texte zur ersten Demo und dem Debüt-Album verfasst wurden.

>> Zur Auktion

Hier das Statement der Band:

Ahoi doom folks,
here you can get the very heart of what AHAB is and where it comes from. This is the original book Chris used when writing the lyrics for The Oath demo and The Call Of The Wretched Sea.
It’s a very precious treasure for him.
Nonetheless we of AHAB all agree, that action must be taken in one or another way to help the Ukranian people fleeing from or trapped in the war zones.
Every euro of the auction will be donated to https://www.malteser-international.org/en.html !
You bet, we’ll pay our share, too! Please share.
Last words belong to Ozzy:
Day of judgement, God is calling
On their knees, the war pigs crawling
Begging mercy for their sins
Satan laughing, spreads his wings
Oh lord, yeah!
(Black Sabbath ‚War Pigs‘)
PS: We’ll sell some more stuff in the next weeks – for example our first back drop … 

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