Sonata Arctica und das Leben nach dem Tod

SONATA ARCTICA haben zu dem Song „Alone In Heaven“, der sich auf „Stones Grow Her Name“ befindet und seine Entstehung einigen sehr persönlichen Überlegungen verdankt, ein Video gedreht. Sänger und Keyboarder Tony Kakko äußert sich hierzu wie folgt:

“’Alone In Heaven’ got sparked lyrically after I had suffered few personal losses in relatively short period of time. Those will make you think about a possibility of after life and such things. At least for me it was like that. I will always remember those passed on thru this song every time we play it. I was initially a little hesitant whether or not this is a suitable track for SONATA, being rather „hard/soft rockish“.  But the guys fell in love with it immediately and it fell right in on the quite mellow mooded »Stones Grow Her Name« album. I think it’s a nice emotional rock song with some extremely beautiful parts to it. It has become a little bit of a fan favorite and crowd pleaser, being quite approachable and straight forward arrangement wise. Very live friendly track we’ll surely play also in the future. The video is like the song, fairly simple and …soft. Enjoy.”

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Publiziert am von Manuel Förderer

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