Vimic: Erste Single zum kommenden Album

„Open Your Omen“, das Debüt von VIMIC, dem neuen Projekt von Ex-Slipknot-Drummer Joey Jordison, soll Anfang 2018 über Universal Music Enterprises erscheinen. Nun gibt es mit „Fail Me (My Temple)“ die erste Single zu hören. Der Track beinhaltet ein Gastsolo von Dave Mustaine (Megadeth). Ihr findet den Stream gleich im Anschluss.

Mustaine sagte Folgendes dazu: „This album wails! Joey Jordison and VIMIC are incredible. High-octane drumming and heavy, melodic songs make this band something you definitely need to check out! I dig them so much I laid a solo down on one of their songs, ‚Fail Me (My Temple)‘. From there, we decided to take them on tour with us down to South America where Megadeth is massive.“

Jordison über das Album: „The riffs, lyrics, and drums of ‚Open Your Omen‘ will tell you a lot. We started this record when I was coming out of the acute transverse myelitis condition. It’s literally what saved me and helped me get back to where I’m healthier than ever. These guys and this album pushed me to not only relearn how to walk, but how to play the drums again. ‚Open Your Omen‘ is the rebirth of the rest of my life.“


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Publiziert am von Stephan Rajchl

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