Diablo Blvd geben Abschied bekannt

Nach 13 Jahren und 4 Studioalben haben DIABLO BLVD nun ihre Trennung bekannt gegeben. Zum Abschied werden sie am 10. Dezember im Ancienne Belgique in Brüssel eine letzte Show spielen. Die Belgier nennen keine Gründe für das Aus, betonen jedoch, dass sie im Guten auseinander gehen.

Lest hier das gesamte Statement:


To all of you reading this message we will start by announcing our first headline show ever at the legendary Ancienne Belgique on the 10th of December 2018. For some reason we never played the AB before so we’re absolutely thrilled to finally head over to one of Belgium’s most beautiful venues.

No doubt this will be a night to remember especially because it will also be our last show ever. Yes, you’re reading this right: the DB is calling it a day.

We can imagine this might come as a surprise to many of you. Even for us it feels unreal knowing that we are about to close a very important chapter in our lives. In the last 13 years we’ve seen a lot of things come and go but we always did it our way. There’s no negativity here, there’s only love.

We thank you all for your undying support and for giving us the time of our lives. We hereby invite you all to the Ancienne Belgique on the 10th of December for the final curtain. Ticket presale will start tomorrow (Friday 29th of June at 11AM) via www.abconcerts.be.

Regarding all the booked summer shows: we cannot wait to continue our festival run and enjoy every last second of it. Looking forward to see you all out there.

Alex, Andries, Kris, Tim & Jan“

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