Rise Of The Northstar: Neues Musikvideo

Die Crossover-Metaller RISE OF THE NORTHSTAR starten mit einem brandneuen Musikvideo zum Song „Again And Again“ in das Jahr 2016. Der Titel stammt vom Debütalbum „Welcame“, das im Jahr 2014 über Nuclear Blast erschienen ist.

Die Band kommentiert: „What we demonstrate and picture in this video is what it takes for an underdog to break into the 2015 music scene and industry. It comes through countless miles on the road, relentless touring, everywhere (Vithia’s multiple injuries are a testimony of how hard it is to deliver what it takes to become established). Japanese culture comes into play as a focus driver for us; Be it the fictional world of Saint Seiya or the concrete universe of Onizuka and furyos, the philosophy displayed by our heroes is one of absolute tenacity and strength when facing challenges and adversity. Everytime they fall to the ground, they manage to find that extra spark that makes them stand up right back on their feet – Again and again“


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