Alpha Wolf kündigen neues Album an

Die australischen Hardcore-Newcomer ALPHA WOLF haben nun, nachdem im letzten Jahr erst ihre aktuelle „Fault“-EP veröffentlicht wurde, ihre neue Platte angekündigt. Dieses wird den Namen „A Quiet Place To Die“ tragen und elf Songs beinhalten. Das Video zum Track „Akudama“ wurde ebenfalls heute veröffentlicht.

Im offiziellen Statement weist die Band zusätzlich darauf hin, dass es derzeit dennoch wichtigeres gibt als den Release ihres zweiten Full-Lenghts:

„To our fans,

We have a lot of very exciting things to show you over the coming weeks, Starting with our first new single ‘Akudama’ we have just released on YouTube.

This, and our upcoming album ‘a quiet place to die’ is the culmination of 10+ people’s efforts and over a year of hard work.

While this is obviously an exciting and very important time for us, this is not the most important thing you need to hear right now.

We need to open our eyes and ears to the cries of our POC brothers and sisters.

The peaceful protest and riots in the USA are a worldwide wake up call. Never has a protest of this size and importance happened at a time where more is able to be reported and witnessed. So witness it. Learn from it.

As an Australian band, we know our country has a terrible history of racism, segregation and slavery. This racism still exists today. We cannot forget our own faults, the aboriginal and indigenous community deserves better.

Enough is enough, the world can not go back to how it was.

Be the change you wish to see.

– Scottie, Sabian, John, Lochie, Mitch“

  1. A Quiet Place To Die
  2. Creep
  3. Golden Fate; Isolate
  4. Akudama
  5. Acid Romance
  6. Rot In Pieces
  7. Bleed 4 You
  8. Ultra-Violet Violence
  9. The Mind Bends To A Will Of Its Own
  10. Restricted (R18+)
  11. Don’t Ask…

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