Neorhythm mit bewegten Bildern

Die Groove Metaller NEORHYTHM haben ein Video zu ihrem Song „Anticipations“ veröffentlicht. Das Stück stammt vom kommenden Album „Terrastory“, welches am 20.03.2020 erscheint.

Über das Album sagt die Band: „Terrastory is a conceptual album that reviews and describes the history of planet Earth from the origin of the star to the present day, the history and evolution of Mankind and Civilizations, and even tries to look into the Future. With our new songs, we penetrated the temporal space from the Archean Eon to Art Nouveau, explored various cultures and tried to convey not only lyrically, but also musically the development of our father’s home, from the protobacterial world to perfect technological progress. For History is a treasury of human deeds, a witness to the past, an example and a lesson for the present and a warning for the future.“


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Publiziert am von Christoph Ilius

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