Lamb Of God veröffentlichen Statement zum Tourabbruch

Nachdem LAMB OF GOD ihre Tour mit CHILDREN OF BODOM in Folge der Terroranschläge in Paris abgebrochen haben ( berichtete), meldet sich die Band nun via Facebook und erklärt die Entscheidung. Ursache für den Abbruch sind demnach Sicherheitsbedenken.

Hier das Statement im O-Ton:

„Due to concerns brought to our attention by the venue security team yesterday in Tilburg – and continued general concerns across Europe – we have decided against putting our fans, our crew and ourselves in this position night after night and will be canceling the remainder of our performances in Europe. This is a decision we are making on behalf of the fans, our crew, and our band, as well as the well-being of everyone’s family, friends and loved ones at home. Stay safe, and we will see you very soon.“

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