Max Cavalera veröffentlicht Autobiografie

Am 21. April 2014 wird die Autobiografie „My Bloody Roots – From Sepultura To Soulfly And Beyond“ von MAX CALVALERA, Sänger und Gitarrist von Cavalera Conspiracy sowie Soulfly, auf Englisch erscheinen. Das Vorwort schrieb Dave Grohl, Begründer der Foo Fighters.

Einige Passagen könnt ihr bereits lesen, zum Beispiel die über den Ausstieg bei Sepultura:
A lot of people especially like the part when I talk about the split from Sepultura, because I really explains my side of the story, about how I really felt, and why I left my own band. And a lot of people, after they read that, they will understand. And, for them, it makes sense that I did what I did, that I left Sepultura. They would have done the same. After they read it, they understand why I did it, and it makes sense after you read what I said about the split, you’d think that it was the rational thing to do, for me, was to leave them, you know. Even though it was my own band from the beginning, it was kind of like, all of my integrity, you know, and that’s why I decided to leave. It’s going to be great. It tells all of those stories, and puts kind of a final stamp on the whole ‚Sepultura split‘ shit, and talks about Soulfly and how it was created, and how cool Soulfly was building over the years, and the cool people I worked with.

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