Meshuggah: Nachfolger von „Koloss“

Nachdem die schwedische Extrem-Metal-Band MESHUGGAH im letzten Jahr „Koloss“ auf den Markt brachte, ließ einer der Herren nun verkünden, ab dem kommenden Jahr an einem neuen Album arbeiten zu wollen.

Gitarrist Mårten Hagström brachte den Stein ins rollen:
So we’re basically looking to have some time off in December [after the band gets off tour in November], and then we’ve been on the road with Koloss for like two years or something, on and off. So then I guess it’s about time to start writing new stuff again. I have no idea, and I never do. And I think that’s a good thing, ‘cause people sometimes say that we’re pretty unpredictable, but I don’t really think we are because we have a sound that’s been with us since at least like the None EP [from 1994], that’s very us. It doesn’t really change all that much, but it’s still a progression, and what I mean by taking a step forward is that we’re still, we’ve been around now. We’re veterans in this game, and we’re still having fun with what we do, with experimenting with the music that we want to create. So as long as it feels like we’re making it better, and as long as it feels like we’re doing something that we can at least stand for and be proud of, that’s all that we ask.

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