The Ghost Inside: Lyric-Video online

Kürzlich kündigten THE GHOST INSIDE ihr neues, selbstbetiteltes Album für den 5. Juni über Epitaph an. Jetzt haben sie mit „Pressure Point“ einen weiteren neuen Song samt Lyric-Video vorgelegt. Die Songs wurden zusammen mit Produzent Will Putney (Every Time I Die, The Amity Affliction, Knocked Loose) und Jeremy McKinnon (A Day To Remember) aufgenommen.

Bassist Jim Riley kommentiert: „Almost all TGI songs take the listener on a journey from dark to light or from despair to hope. On this record we made a conscious effort to let individual songs explore different emotions we’ve been experiencing and not force them to have a positive turn. We feel like the album as a whole will give you that hopeful feeling, even though a song like ‚Pressure Point; might not do that by itself. Instead we embraced being pissed off and let it pour out through some of the most aggressive and pointed lyrics we’ve ever had. We try to avoid cursing in our songs but sometimes you’re just so fed up that nothing less than a big loud fuck will get the job done.“


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Tracklist „The Ghost Inside“:
01. 1333
02. Still Alive
03. The Outcast
04. Pressure Point
05. Overexposure
06. Make Or Break
07. Unseen
08. One Choice
09. Phoenix Rise
10. Begin Again
11. Aftermath


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Publiziert am von Christian Denner

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