Napalm Death veröffentlichen Wohltätigkeits-Song

NAPALM DEATH haben mit „Earthwire“ einen unveröffentlichten Track aus den Aufnahmen zu ihrem aktuellen Album „Apex Predator – Easy Meat“ als Download verfügbar gemacht. Die Einnahmen des Verkaufes gehen zu Gunsten der Erdbebenopfe in Nepal.

Den Song kann man sich hier runerladen.

Kommentar de Band zur Aktion:

Having been fortunate to be invited to Kathmandu just over three years ago to play a gig, I remember fondly the unique, enriching experience that it gave us as a band. When you’re bouncing from continent to continent in short spaces of time, it might be very easy to become complacent to where you process all those continents through the same perceptive filter. I think you owe it those who receive you – and to yourself – to have a deeper sense of understanding.

Nepal, therefore, seemed not only a place of striking beauty, but also a tougher place for things that you would normally take for granted e.g. a stage to play on and a place for a concert festival. A wider viewing revealed such grim inequalities – in comparison to the wider world – as people living in holes at the side of the road, which then actually became one of the reference points for our current album, ‚Apex Predator – Easy Meat‘.

When the earthquake struck on the 25th April 2015, I recalled the general frailty of the buildings in Kathmandu (something which you see on several continents where deprivation makes everyday habitation a very hazardous experience) and could already imagine the consequences – I didn’t necessarily need to view the inevitable volume of TV / internet footage.

Shane, our bass player, was already thinking of what Napalm Death could do to alleviate things in our own small way and knowing that Bill Gould from Faith No More had been involved in the region, Shane was kindly directed by him to the DZI. We like the fact that the community has an overriding hand in deciding how to best use resources, and the spirit of independence that the DZI encourages is something that runs in parallel with the ethos of Napalm Death.

We therefore present an exclusive track from the aforementioned album session written by our guitarist, Mitch Harris – to raise funds for the work and resources required through the DZI. The lyrics can be interpreted in several different ways, but to me they signify acknowledging and embracing humanity beyond the relentless march of technology. Perhaps somewhat apt here.

Please give what you can to aid the rebuilding of people’s lives – and bathe in the sonic extremity.”

With thanks and in solidarity, Mark „Barney“ Greenway for and on behalf of Napalm Death

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