Silest Skies covern Iron-Maiden-Song und kündigen neues Album an

SILENT SKIES, das Projekt um Evergrey-Sänger Tom S. Englund und Pianist/Komponist Vikram Shankar, wird am 01. September 2023 mit „Dormant“ sein neues Album über Napalm Records veröffentlichen.

SILENT SKIES kommentieren:
„We are thrilled to present Dormant, our third record, crafted with immense joy and offered with satisfaction and eagerness to share our heartfelt dedication over the past 18 months. With Dormant, SILENT SKIES propels itself further into more uncharted territory, embarking on a journey whose destination remains unknown even to us. Like passengers on a train, we embrace the excitement and exhilaration of the ride, relishing in the uncertainty of our future direction. The freedom of creativity is a vital source of energy for us during the composition and production journey for our music. Within Dormant, you will find a multitude of intricate details, a plethora of musical landscapes, and an abundance of concepts, all waiting for you to dive in and explore their depths. At its core, Dormant delves into the awakening of a sleeping or forgotten consciousness, urging it to be present and take action in the now.

It is an album that, from the early stages, felt like a profound conversation with life, about life. It encapsulates the ongoing dialogue and introspection with our inner selves as we seek equilibrium and harmony. Ultimately, it is a realization that what we yearn for is a stillness of the mind and soul — a sense of contentment, pride, and connection with what is our most authentic selves. We believe that you will find resonance with many of the reflections we share within Dormant, and we eagerly anticipate continuing this dialogue with all of you.

This journey has only just begun. Let’s awaken together.

Tom & Vikram“

Tracklist und Coverartwork:
01. Construct
02. New Life
03. Churches
04. Just Above The Clouds
05. Reset
06. Tides
07. The Real Me
08. Light Up The Dark
09. Dormant
10. The Last On Earth
11. The Trooper (Bonus Track)
12. Dancing In The Dark (Bonus Track)
13. Numb (Bonus Track)

Silent Skies Dormant Coverartwork

Zudem haben SILENT SKIES ein Cover des Iron-Maiden-Klassikers „The Trooper“ aufgenommen und dem Song ein Lyric Video spendiert:


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Dazu sagt die Band:
„When you work on a world-class song like ‚The Trooper‘, you approach it with the utmost respect, eager to honor its essence and craftsmanship. Everyone who hears it recognizes its iconic lyrics and knows that it has stood the test of time – it’s a true classic. As for us, we never quite reflected deeply on the song’s severe lyrics, instead focusing on its raw energy. However, given the current state of the world, we cannot ignore how poignant and relevant its words have become. It’s disheartening to acknowledge that they are more pertinent now than ever before. Nonetheless…

We’ve poured our hearts into this song, with the hope of honoring its message and evoking a different emotional response from listeners than the original. As we embarked on the remaking process, we couldn’t help but again be moved by the lyrics and their stark reminder of the horrors of war. The thought of those in the world who cannot feel safe, who have lost loved ones, and who have no certainty about their future, weighs heavily on our minds. We have strived to infuse our rendition of „The Trooper“ with the same intensity and passion as the original, while also recognizing and honoring its powerful message.“

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