Visaprobleme für Grima

GRIMA haben bekanntgegeben, dass sie aufgrund von Visaproblemen ihre diesjährigen Touraktivitäten in Europa deutlich einschränken werden bzw. müssen.

Hier das Statment im Wortlaut:

Dear followers of the Grima cult, sometimes even the biggest and oldest spruce tree can’t withstand (in)human acts. There is a point where we have to bow down and accept what cannot be changed.
After 4 months of non-stop efforts from everyone involved behind the scenes, the best we got is a 30 days stay in the Schengen area. We have applied for a 90 days arts science visa, which we have been granted in past years, but not this time, the reasons have not been communicated to us.
We did everything we could do, Asgaardian Events and even Les Acteurs de l’ombre Productions helped us as much as possible, but all we got are these 30 days for now, which we shall use to the fullest.
Our first show will be on the 25.04 in Switzerland and the last one will be on the 22.05 in Paris. Any other show will be cancelled. There will be no further rescheduling. We will be happy to see each one of our cultists at these shows. We won’t have any other central european tours in the near future, except maybe a few festivals next year, which we are already negotiating with.
We hope you understand that this is neither our decision nor our managements nor the local promoters.
All shows which we will play are listed here:
Any other show of the European part is cancelled until further notice.
We will bring exclusive merch to these shows and we hope to see you soon.

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