Beast in Black: Neuer Drummer

Unmittelbar vor dem Start ihrer Europatour mit Rhapsody haben BEAST IN BLACK ihren neuen Schlagzeuger vorgestellt. Atte Palokangas, der bereits Ende 2017 mit BEAST IN BLACK tourte, wird Sami Hänninen ersetzen, der die Band vor kurzem aus persönlichen Gründen verlassen musste. Palokangas sagte dazu: „I’m honored, excited and thankful for this opportunity! I can’t wait for the future adventures with the guys!“

Hier Hänninens Statement zu seinem Ausstieg:

„Ladies and gentlemen, I regret to inform you that I will no longer be able to fulfill my duty as the drummer of Beast In Black.
Due to new circumstances in my life, I’m not able to take part in the upcoming shows nor tours and I feel the band, especially in its early stages, requires a drummer who will be able to give his absolute hundred percent for the band.
In addition to that, as some of you may know, I’ve had some issues with my left hand, making drumming sometimes extremely difficult and painful. It has something to do with the nerve system, resulting in my left hand going all numb and powerless – much like the tennis elbow. This would constantly make it hard for me to rehearse and eventually slow the band down.
Let me continue by saying there was and will not be any bad blood between me and the rest of the band. I love all the guys in the band and wish them all the best with their future endeavors.
Without further ado, please give a warm welcome for Mr. Atte Palokangas, the new drummer of BIB. He is an absolute BEAST of a drummer and a perfect fit for the band.“

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