Chapel Of Disease präsentieren Artwork

Die Death Metaller von CHAPEL OF DISEASE präsentieren gemeinsam mit ihrem Label FDA REKOTZ alle sieben Illustrationen, die im Booklet des neuen Albums „The Mysterious Ways Of Repetitive Art“ zu finden sein werden. Es gibt sieben Bilder zu sieben Songs, die allesamt von Chris von Misanthropic Art angefertigt wurden. Neben den Bildern, gibt es auch Statements vom Künstler und der Band.

Den Anfang macht „The Mysterious Ways…“.
CoD1Chris (Misanthropic Art) über „The Mysterious Ways…“: „I decided to draw all booklet illustration in black and white and used the secondary cover image color for the highlights. I wanted a somewhat old school feeling to the illustrations which is also why i used hatching as drawing technique. For me it’s a cross between detailed and simplistic work which works not only for this illustration but also for the rest. the challenging part of the first title was to fade from a almost perfect world into a dark, hostile environment. Since this song is a instrumental i had two pages instead of one which makes this the only landscape format illustration but I think the format helps especially in this image to elucidate the miners walk from home into a dark night into a unknown future. I tried to make this transition more dramatic by using the deaths head and clouds to switch from daylight into night and also him reaching out to the miner.“

Laurent (Chapel Of Disease): „As we see the nameless man walking towards a beginning, death divides what’s not to divide, since its end marks a new start…“

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Publiziert am von Christoph Ilius

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