Månegarm zeigen neues Musikvideo

Mit „En snara av Guld“ präsentieren die schwedischen Viking Metaller von MANEGARM einen weiteren Vorboten auf ihr kommendes Album „Ynglingaättens Öde“. Es erscheint am 15. April über Napalm Records.

Die Band verrät über den Song:

„‚En snara av guld‘ (a golden noose) is the story about the Finnish daughter Skjalv who gets abducted and is forced to marry King Agne – the same man that killed her father. She finally gets her revenge on Agne and when the new day dawns, the King gets his final rest high up in the trees. ‚En snara av guld‘ is the most gripping video we have ever made and we are so amazingly proud of how both the song and video came out. And a father’s heart couldn’t pound any stronger than today since the song features Eriks youngest daughter Lea on vocals and his other daughter Tuva plays Skjalv in the video. Enjoy Brothers & Sisters!“


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Publiziert am von Nico Schwappacher

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