Shining streamen „Gyllene Portarnas Bro“

Die schwedischen Depressive-Black-Metaller SHINING werden am 5. Januar 2018 ihr kommendes Album „X – Varg Utan Flock“ über Season Of Mist herausbringen. Nun könnt ihr euch den Track „Gyllene Portarnas Bro“ bereits im Vorhinein als Stream anhören.

Mastermind Niklas Kvarforth kommentiert den Track folgendermaßen: „Our new track, ‚Gyllene Portarnas Bro‘ has been in the works since 1999 and is one of the calmer moments on this record. Built around three different parts, it was originally intended for the album, ‚Livets Ändhållplats‘. It was later reworked for ‚Redefining Darkness‘, but it wasn’t until now that this song finally started to make sense. Lyrically, it speaks of the seduction of the human mind and spirit, the ultimate destruction of the life cycle of the one being seduced. Indeed, this track sets the mood for the violent darkness that follows.“


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