Children Of Bodom planen Live-Album des Abschiedskonzerts

Vor drei Jahren, am 15. Dezember 2019, spielten CHILDREN OF BODOM ihre letzte Show in der Helsinki Ice Hall.

Jetzt möchte die Band diesen letzten Momenten zu Ehren ein Live-Album veröffentlichen.  Um es noch spezieller zu machen, sollen Fans Fotos des Konzerts einschicken, die in das Booklet des Albums aufgenommen werden sollen.

Hier könnt ihr den kompletten Aufruf lesen:

„Exactly three years ago 15th December 2019 Children Of Bodom played their last show at the Helsinki Ice Hall. To keep this precious last moment alive and also available to everyone who couldn’t make it to see the show, Alexi’s estate, Daniel, Henkka, Janne and Jaska will release the show next year as a live album.

To make it more special we’d love to have photos from YOU to be included in the album booklet.

What we’re looking for is any Bodom related memories, from any era. We would like the Hate Crew to be part of the album, as the Hate Crew was always the essential part of the phenomenon called Children Of Bodom.

That’s why we are asking you to be part of this!

If you feel like taking part in this project please submit your photo via email to by 31st December 2022.

Looking forward to see you what you guys have in your archives and stay tuned for more news.

Alexi’s estate, Daniel, Henkka, Janne and Jaska

Please note that we have to be sure that the photos are ok for us to use, hence we kindly ask you to read this:

By submitting a photo you agree that you will grant us the irreversible compensation free and royalty free right to use the material in our album materials. We can’t guarantee that we will use your photos but we will go thru all of them and pick the ones suitable.

By submitting a photo you guarantee that you have all the rights to do so and that you have the consent of all the persons that can be recognized in the photo.”


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