Nervecell touren im September

NERVECELL, die wohl bekannteste Death-Metal-Band Dubais, werden im September gemeinsam mit den Brasilianern von Nervochaos durch Europa touren.

Die Tour beteffend sagte Gitarrist Barney Ribeiro:
„This will be the last European run in support of our latest album „Psychogenocide“. We look forward to performing across Europe to our fans who havent got the chance to see us live yet. We have played a lot of festivals across Europe in the last few years so going back to the club shows is always tricky but fun because of the intimacy and energy we get from the fans. So we hope and expect to see some familiar faces and make some new fans too from these up coming shows.“

Bezüglich der Vorbereitungen für die Shows fügte noch hinzu:
„We are preparing a brutal 1 hour set of straight up Middle Eastern Death / Thrash metal. Probably will be focusing on playing a lot more newer stuff from the last album. We are not a band who gets to play a lot back at home in the Middle East, so when we come to Europe we mean business and anyone who has been to a Nervecell gig before knows how intense the shows can get. We wouldn’t want it any other way and we look forward to seeing all our European brothers and sisters in the pit soon!“


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