Riverside: Piotr Grudzinski gestorben

Bereits am 21. Februar 2016 haben RIVERSIDE ihre Anhänger über ihre Facebook-Seite informiert, dass Gitarrist Piotr Grudzinski am Sonntag Morgen verstorben ist. Der Musiker wurde nur 40 Jahre alt.

Hier das Facebook-Posting im Original: „In our deepest pain and disbelief we would like to inform you that our dearest friend and brother Piotr Grudzinski has passed away this morning. We kindly ask you to respect the privacy of his family and friends.“

Auch Steven Wilson meldete sich zu Wort: „My deepest condolences to the family and friends of Riverside guitar player and founder member Piotr Grudziński, who died suddenly last night at the age of 40. I know many of my listeners are also fans of this wonderful band, and I count myself among them. Another sad passing of a very fine musician, this time made all the more shocking because he was still so young. Rest in Peace.“

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Publiziert am von Christian Denner

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