Albumdetails Part I: Leprous

Anfang Oktober gaben die Norweger von LEPROUS bekannt, dass sie an einem neuen, mittlerweile ihrem vierten Album arbeiten (Metal1 berichtete). Was ihre Fans auf der Platte erwartet, die das Debüt von den Neuzugängen Martin Skrebergene (Bass) und Baard Kolstad (Schlagzeug) sein wird, erläutert die Band in diesem Statement:

We’re super-stoked about the new material we have composed. It’s not really Coal material, following our mantra about not making the same album twice.

The writing process has been very different this time. Most of the music has been made by Einar, on a computer. Almost all the guitar riffs for example (and Einar has no idea about how to play guitar…), so the guitar players were up for a challenge.

At the moment we’re finished recording drums, and Baard has delivered a stunning performance, so now it’s time for the rest of us, to lay down the guitars, bass and keys, before we round the whole thing up with vocals-recordings in the beginning of the new year.

Mixing and mastering will take place in late January, so we expect a release in May, but all of that is up to our label. Right now, we’re just concentrating on doing our part to perfection.

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