Ozzy Osbourne muss Tour absagen

OZZY OSBOURNE hat auf Anraten seiner Ärzte kurzfristig seine gesamte „No More Tours 2“-Tournee mit JUDAS PRIEST abgesagt. Zuvor hatte er bereits die ersten vier Termine wegen einer Grippe abgesagt.

Wie der „Prince Of Darkness“ via Instagram bekanntgab, sei bei einem neuerlichen Arztbesuch eine schwere Infektion der oberen Atemwege festgestellt worden. Laut den Ärzten bestehe die Gefahr auf eine Lungenentzündung.

Die Termine sollen gemeinsam mit JUDAS PRIEST im September nachgeholt werden.


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OZZY has been forced to postpone the entire UK and European leg of his “NO MORE TOURS 2” tour on doctors’ orders. This follows yesterday’s announcement that OSBOURNE was postponing the first four dates of the tour because of the flu. After seeing his physician again, OSBOURNE has been diagnosed with a severe upper-respiratory infection which the doctor feels could develop into pneumonia given the physicality of the live performances and an extensive travel schedule throughout Europe in harsh winter conditions. Statement from Ozzy: “I’m completely devastated for having to postpone the European leg of my tour. It just seems that since October everything I touch has turned to shit. First the staph infection in my thumb and now coming down with the flu and bronchitis. I want to apologize to all of my fans who have been so loyal over the years, my band, my crew and to Judas Priest for letting you all down. However, I promise the tour with Judas Priest will be completed. It’s being rescheduled right now to start in September. Again, I apologize to everyone. God Bless. Love you all, Ozzy.”

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