Wintersun: Vage Albumankündigung sorgt für Spott im Netz

WINTERSUN haben mit einem etwas kryptischen Statement ein (tatsächlich sogar merhere) neue Alben angekündigt. Wann es soweit ist, kann der perfektionistische Finne freilich noch nicht sagen, da die Produktion noch aufwendiger ausfällt als für bisherige Alben. Für WINTERSUN-Fans bedeutet das nichts Gutes, nachdem die Band auch bei ihren letzten Alben ihren Fans viel Geduld abverlangte. Entsprechet groß ist der Spott in den Kommentaren unter dem Facebook-Posting: „Awesome! Just 16 years to go! Progress is moving forward!“ schreibt etwa Carl Frederick. Aber auch Ärger macht sich breit, da Jari für seine Projekte oft auf Crowdfunding zurückgreift: Posts like this make your fans angry… you don’t owe anything to your fans (like music) but some respect, yes. It is ok not to release an album every year. It is ok to take your time to make music. What is not cool is teasing a a lot and asking money when nothing come.schreibt etwa Laure Girard.

Hier das Statement der Band:
Guys, I am working on an album, several in fact, like I’ve updated you many times and will keep updating. One of these albums is coming along nicely and it’s a strong possibility it’s going to be the next one. This album is way bigger production than The Forest Seasons and it presents whole new challenges for me vocally, guitar playing and production wise. Even song writing wise, ’cause as you know I like learn and explore different composition styles and not write the same stuff over and over again, which would be easy. So I have to (and want to) constantly evolve and get better in every way. Development and learning new skills takes time. Many of these new challenges I’ve already conquered and I’m very happy with the results, some challenges still are ahead, but we are close to victory. And as Wintersun fans you guys already know that I am not going to release anything until I’m completely happy with it. And I’m guessing you wouldn’t want me to do that either, to release something unfinished. So just relax and enjoy the ride, I have a plan! 😉
Jari „


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