Selbstentleibung nach zehn Jahren am Ende

Die österreichischen Black-Metaller SELBSTENTLEIBUNG haben nach 10 Jahren Bandbestehen in einem Statement über Facebook das Ende der Band erklärt. Nach zehn Jahren repräsentiert demzufolge nicht mehr zu 100 Prozent die Einstellungen der Musiker. Wie das Statement weiterhin ankündigt, stellt dieser Schritt zugleich den Anfang eines neuen Kapitels dar – weitere Informationen, was das konkret bedeutet, sollen folgen.

Hier das Statement im Original-Wortlaut:

It’s never easy to find the right words to start such a statement… Some weeks ago we had some internal talks about the band’s 10th anniversary. We talked about who we were back then and who we are today, about the fact that life means change sometimes, which is not always a bad thing. Facing the fact, that the essence of Selbstentleibung is not 100% representing ourselves anymore we think it is the right time to lay the band to rest after 10 very intense and emotional years! We want to thank every single one who supported us in any kind and we are looking forward for a final celebration at the Black N Thrash Inferno in a couple of weeks. What seems to be the end, is just the beginning of a new chapter, more information soon…


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