Rex Brown: Teaser zu neuem Song

REX BROWN (ehemaliger Pantera-Bassist) wird am 28. Juli sein Solo-Debüt „Smoke On This“ über Entertainment One veröffentlichen. Jetzt wurde vorab ein Teaser zum brandneuen Song „So Into You“ ins Netz gestellt. Produziert wurde das Album von Caleb Sherman.

REX BROWN kommentiert: „My motto these days is ‚Shake some shit up. I’ve had my ups and downs, like anybody in this business. I wanted to feel like a true artist again, where I can write and record songs without worrying about any of the bullshit. This is just something else I’m doing for fun, man. And musical freedom. Fun has to come into it or I’m not going to do it. I’ve had a tremendous career and now I feel like I’m twenty-five years old again. This has given me that freedom I needed.“


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