Bleeding Through veröffentlichen neuen Song

Die Metalcore-Pioniere BLEEDING THROUGH veröffentlichen mit „War Time“ ihren neuen Song.

Sänger Brandan Schieppati kommentiert: „‚War Time‘ is a statement about Bleeding Through’s career. All the lies and betrayal from people who were supposed to have our backs. It is about the greed and arrogance that is displayed in the music industry and world in general. War Time is about this band forming an even stronger bond with each other and taking on this negative world together. „War Time“ is a hard-hitting track that speaks to the band’s experiences in the music industry and their struggles with betrayal and greed. The song is a powerful statement about the band’s career and their unwavering determination to overcome any obstacle. With its ferocious guitar riffs, pounding drums, and intense vocals, „War Time“ is a powerful reminder of why Bleeding Through has remained one of the most influential bands in the metalcore scene for over two decades.“


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