Circle II Circle: Ehemaliger Schlagzeuger verstorben

Adam Sagan, der ehemalige Drummer bei CIRCLE II CIRCLE und WHITE EMPRESS ist am Montag in Folge einer Krebserkrankung im Alter von nur 36 Jahren verstorben.

Zak Stevens, Sänger bei CIRCLE II CIRCLE hat sich über Facebook zum Tod Sagans geäußert:

„Today I’m deeply saddened to hear the latest news on Adam. This is a very tough situation for all the guys in CIIC. We will all miss Adam dearly. He was always there for anyone, to lend an ear, give great advice, or just to do anything he could for anyone who asked him at anytime. Adam would give you the shirt off his back. That’s the kind of guy he was. He was a tremendously talented and highly intelligent man. I cherish every conversation I ever had with him and the many performances we shared the experience of playing together. Adam worked so hard and gave his heart and soul for everyone he ever worked with. That’s why he’s been so successful in everything he’s done in life. He was always telling us to never take any moment for granted. Now we know exactly why. He’ll now will take all his moments and talents to the next world where I know he’ll have the peace and tranquility he couldn’t quite reach while so courageously battling the demon he had to face these past 12 months. I want to thank everyone for reaching out to me and the guys and being so supportive. We really appreciate it. But right now the Sagan family needs all the support we can give them. Let’s be there for them in this time of intense need and be strong for them. I know Adam would be so grateful for that. I love you brother Adam and you will always be in my thoughts….Zak


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