Interview mit Jamie Killhead von Savaged

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Over the past 20 years Spain has brought forth many well-received underground bands: The southern European country was the birth place of many exciting groups ranging from the now internationally successful Angelus Apatrida and the underground favourites Iron Curtain to the up-and-coming Hitten. Not too long ago the Barcelona based SAVAGED started on their journey to the top of the scene, marking the first step with their recently released debut „Night Stealer“. We spoke to bandleader Jamie Killhead about his band’s future.

Das Logo der Band Savaged

Hi and thanks a lot for taking time for this interview! How are you doing?
Fine! We are finalizing details of the setlist for the album presentation concerts.

SAVAGED just released their first album, so we dont know too much about you guys yet. Tell us a bit about the band history!
SAVAGED was formed in 2021 by Jamie and Joan who came from other band , at the very begging we had some difficulties to find musicians, Jamie was also in Raptore, Cristian also from raptore help on the bass recording for the first single, then he tried the drums and since the day he is de drummer, with the single we got Aleix to join us on bass. All of us came from other bands and we all had previous projects before Savaged, so we know really well how to work as a band.

Das Cover von "Night Stealer" von Savaged.How would you describe Night Stealer to someone who has never heard it before?
We definitely believe that it will surprise you, each song has its own sound, we are sure that you will not expect what the next song will sound like. The voice style has many variations depending on the song you are in. Surely no one expects such catchy riffs and such melodic harmonies. Heavy riffs, high notes, catchy vocal lines, and solo harmonizations. Pure 80s essence.

With „Knights Of Metal“ you also included the title track of your debut EP in your first album. What makes that song so special to you?
I (Jamie) brought that song 8 years ago in the previous band I had with Joan, we have a very good memory of that song, and many poorly recorded versions even with my voice when I didn’t know how to sing.

I seem to recognize a lot of different influences in your music ranging from classic heavy metal to thrash. Which bands and styles would you name as your biggest inspiration?
As I always say, the 80s Heavy Metal, we love too many bands to be able to name them all, but they range from extremes from Dokken to Judas Priest, through Riot, Helloween, Cacophony or hundreds of other bands. In any case we try to make our songs have the component that makes them sound like SAVAGED.

You got signed to No Remorse Records. How did that come to pass?
We sent him the material and it didn’t take long for him to respond that they were interested. In No Remorse they like pure Heavy Metal. We are delighted to belong to a label like this.

More and more bands from all over Spain are making their mark in the international metal scene. What’s the Spanish scene like?
In recent years it seems that the scene is improving in Spain. Although at the moment the bands are still trying to escape from Spain and play abroad, the reason?
Bands here don’t sell as much as in other places and we have difficulty participating in relevant concerts unless we have enough money.

Old school metal is quite popular at the moment, with new bands popping seemingly every other day. What do you think do underground bands have to do in order to set themselves apart from the crowd?
You must be good on your playing, on your singing, on everything, but the most important thing is the compositional criterion. The most successful bands have never been similar to each other despite being heavy metal, each one has its own criteria. Judas Priest is nothing like W.A.S.P. nor is Saxon anything like Iron Maiden, however they are all Heavy Metal. So if you form a band that looks like another you will end up being nothing.

Das Cover von "Knights Of Metal" von Savaged2023 is over and 2024 has only just begun – was it a good year for SAVAGED? What are your plans for the new year?
Yes, 2023 has definitely been a decisive year for SAVAGED, in any case we are seeing that every step we take is having a certain impact, this 2024 people will be able to hear what we have fought so hard for and we hope that it marks a before and after in the professionalism of the band.

Any chance to see you guys in Germany any time soon?
We sincerely hope that this is the case, we anxiously hope that with the release of the album we will be able to perform concerts in Germany. If anyone is interested, feel free to contact us.

Thank you for the interview! Please let us do a short brainstorming in the end of this interview.
What comes in your mind first reading the following terms:

Headbangers Open Air: It’s one of the most awesome festivals that we’ve seen, was a great opportunity we really thanks Jürgen for trusting us
Underground: The scene seems to be starting to grow in recent years, we hope it rises soon. Is an eternal struggle in which many bands find themselves that one day we want to work full time with our music. the place where the most important pillar of the bands is located
Merch Cut: If someone from there is working beacause you are not able to be on the stand, „maybe it’s okay“, If it’s because they don’t let you sell and also the percentage money doesn’t go in full to whoever is working in the position… then fuck you
Studio: It’s a reality shock where you’ll see what you’re capable of, It is one of the most decisive moments of the band, so you have to be very prepared if you want the result to have an impact.
SAVAGED in 10 years: We hope to have at least 6 or 8 more albums and be touring all over the world playing heavy metal and meeting new friends.

Once again thanks for your time. The last words are yours – is there anything left you want to tell our readers?
Never leave this music, the wind begins to blow on our side, Heavy Metal will return to the place where it belongs. Thanks!

Ein Foto der Heavy-Metal-Band Savaged

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