Malevolence mit neuem Video

MALEVOLENCE haben ein Video zu „The Other Side“ veröffentlicht. Bei dem Song handelt es sich um das Titelstück der kürzlich erschienenen EP.

Frontmann Alex Taylor kommentiert den Song folgendermaßen: „The Other Side is a big step outside of our comfort zone both musically and visually. Anyone that has followed us since the beginning will be aware that we have tested the waters with a more melodic sound previously but we have never taken the full plunge until now. We were very apprehensive as to how The Other Side would be received by our supporters, since it seems that progression is something that is rarely welcomed within the metal world. However, we strongly believe that we have a lot more to offer as musicians than just heavy riffs and hard mosh parts, and that the strength of the song would be enough to win over even the most skeptical metal purists. Lyrically the song covers the topic of losing someone, whether we are referring a romantic relationships or bereavement is open to your interpretation.“

Bezüglich des Videodrehs fügt er hinzu: „We spent around one hour blasting ourselves with artificial wind and rain from all angles. The „wind machine“ we used was a propellor from an old aeroplane which actually blew the drum kit away at one point. My advice for other bands thinking about using these effects in their videos is DO NOT FILM THEM IN NOVEMBER – unless you are looking to narrowly escape hypothermia.“


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Publiziert am von Christoph Ilius

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