Sojourner zeigen Vocal-Singthrough zu „Relics Of The Natural Realm“

Die Melodic-Black-Metal-Combo SOJOURNER hat ein Vocal-Singthrough zum Song „Relics Of The Natural Realm“ veröffentlicht. Das Stück stammt von der frisch veröffentlichten EP „Perennial“, welches es lediglich als limitierte LP-Version oder in digitaler Form gibt. Die EP ist gleichzeitig der neuen Sängerin Lucia Amelia Emmanuel.

Hauptsongwriter Mike Lamb sagt über die EP: „When I approached the songwriting for this mini EP I wanted to do something special that encompassed both where we began and where we are today, because while we’ve grown and changed over the last 6 years we still have the same passion and vision for the band that brought us together initially. I approached both the songwriting and recording for this EP in the same way that I did on Empires of Ash and The Shadowed Road, even down to recording all of the instruments back in New Zealand again for the first time since we began, in the same room where I wrote ‚Heritage of the Natural Realm‘ in 2015.
It also seemed like a fitting time to do something that sat somewhere between a reinterpretation of ‚Heritage…‘ and a sequel of sorts for the second EP track, ‚Relics of the Natural Realm‘, bringing our 2015 beginnings full circle back to where we are now and the band that we’ve evolved into in 2021. This is reflected in the cover art, again by our good friend Jordan Grimmer who did the original Empires of Ash cover, showing the meeting of SOJOURNER both past and present. We couldn’t be happier with our incredibly talented new members, both of who turned in absolutely beautiful vocal performances, and we’re so excited about the bright future ahead for the band.“


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