Neues Material von SHRVL

SHRVL ist das Dark-Ambient-Project von Peter Voigtmann, bekannt als Synth-Spieler von The Ocean Collective. Am 19. Mai erscheint mit „Limbus“ das neue Album des Projekts. Bereits jetzt kann man den Song „Response“ als Video genießen.

Die Single wird wie folgt kommentiert:
„Tonally ponderous and dark, „Response“ is a song of depth and meaning. Throughout the four minutes, the visuals carry you through mundane sceneries mostly bereft of life and importance, as if being a remote passenger just gliding through a city as an observer instead of a participant, as the brooding sonics evolve and gather mass continuously, clearly heading to an outcome that’ll be revealed only later on. Retro-esque, partly lo-fi synth tapestries colour the aural peripheries as a commanding electronic drum beat takes the center position to carry the song forward, with various melodies and smaller details ebbing and flowing along the way.“ Everything Is Noise


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