Interview mit Per "Hellbutcher" Gustavsson von Hellbutcher

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Nifelheim are dead – long live HELLBUTCHER! In one of the first interviews with his new band, Per Hellbutcher Gustavsson talks about the genesis of HELLBUTCHER, the chances of Nifelheim getting back together and, of course, his great love: Iron Maiden.

Let’s start with the most important topic: Iron Maiden. Well, at least almost: Bruce Dickinson. What do you think of his new solo album?
I agree! Iron Maiden and all that is related to Iron Maiden is the most important topic! I must say that I really like the new Bruce Dickinson album. It’s getting better every time I play it, which is usually a sign that the songs are really strong and well written. It’s varied in a good way, without losing the heavy atmosphere.

Artwork des Albums The Mandrake Projekt von Bruce DickinsonYou’re a die-hard Maiden fan, often travelling after the band … does that also apply to his solo project, will you be going to see several shows?
I will try to catch a few of his shows for sure! I usually go to as many shows I can when it comes to Maiden solo projects.

It’s nonsense to ask a fan that, but maybe you can describe it: What is it about Maiden that appeals to you, why have you lost your heart to Iron Maiden?
I would say that Iron Maiden has everything that I like. Most of all, I like the songs – all of them, everything from the hits to the long epic songs. I like the great stage shows, the record covers … everything! They are just the best band.

Hellbutcher and Moritz ( at a Maiden-Show

Would you say that Iron Maiden have also influenced your musical work? Where do you see the influence of Maiden on your active musical existence?
I definitely think Iron Maiden has influenced my musical work, even if I play a different style of music. I think that I unconsciously draw inspiration from Maiden all the time, because it’s such a big part of my life, Maiden is in my blood! The song structures, and all that have always been a great source of inspiration for me: I know that Steve Harris and the others of Iron Maiden were, or are influenced by bands like Genesis, Jethro Tull and so on – stuff that is completely different to Iron Maidens music. Being inspired doesn’t mean copying someone’s sound. So to me, it’s natural to get inspiration from quite different bands than my own music.

You yourself went with black metal – how did that come about?
It’s kind of natural to try to develop from previous generations of music. So when I started my musical career, I wanted to create the heaviest and most brutal metal band ever. I wanted to play faster and heavier and more evil and sinister than all bands I had heard! That drive of being the most extreme developed into the black metal I play today.

Hellbutcher live with Nifelheim (2019); © Afra Gethöffer-Grütz/

That brings us to the actual topic of this interview: You have founded a new band, HELLBUTCHER, which seems to pick up where Nifelheim left off. Would you describe HELLBUTCHER as a follow-up project?
Well, not exactly. I don’t try to copy Nifelheim, and we don’t play Nifelheim songs and so on. It will still be much like Nifelheim, because I just wanted to continue with the music I have always been doing. Maybe you can compare it with King Diamond, who formed his own band after Mercyful Fate. It’s not exactly the same kind of band, but there are similarities.

Nifelheim was founded in 1990, so this band has been part or maybe even the center of your life for 32 years. What made you decide to put Nifelheim on hold?
It was not my decision. It was just that Nifelheim reached a dead end, and we could not continue.

I have to ask that at this point: Is Nifelheim over forever, will we never see this band live again?
Chances are low that you will ever see Nifelheim again.

Hellbutcher live with Nifelheim (2019); © Afra Gethöffer-Grütz/

Relationships between band members are often difficult – in Nifelheim it was an open secret that you didn’t get on well with your brother. On the other hand, you were in your band together for 32 years. How different does it feel to play in HELLBUTCHER without him now?
It’s very inspiring! I have no obstacles to create what I want to do. No arguments about anything.

You’ve only played one show so far, but surprisingly you didn’t play any Nifelheim material – although that would fit and is almost “usual” – Abbath also plays Immortal songs, Triptykon play Celtic Frost, Gaahls Wyrd play Gorgoroth etc… why did you decide against it? I’m sure many fans would have been delighted?
Even if we are called HELLBUTCHER it’s not supposed to be my band with my old songs. It’s a new band with new songs, and all band members are equally important in the band. We are not to be seen as my band, so that’s why.

Instead, you covered Venom and Bathory – which is also amazing, of course. What do these two
bands mean to you, why did you include these two songs in your repertoire?

Most of all, we included the two black metal classics so that the audience would recognize some songs we play. Our debut album is not out yet, so no one have heard the rest of the songs before.

How much material do you already have, and when can we expect a first album?
We have got eight HELLBUTCHER songs on the setlist, but we have got even more new material for later. I can’t tell you when the album will be released yet – but it will not take too long!

You’ve been signed directly to Metal Blade Records – whereas with Nifelheim you were last signed to the small label TLP Records. A decent rise, congratulations on that. How did it come about, and what does it mean for you as a scene veteran to have now arrived at such a renowned label?
The signing to Metal Blade is the result of me being able to do my own decisions without arguing
with other band members all the time. I am very glad to work with Metal Blade.

The first thing you released was a cassette demo. Why was that important to you? Do youself still listen to tapes?
We thought that it was a good idea to just start the band the proper way, with a demo cassette, recorded in the rehearsal room. Just like the old days! We wanted to release it, so that we had something to present the new band with. It was released in December 2022 and the cassette was sold out very quickly, so we made a 7”-EP of it in the end. We still haven’t released any album, so it was a good way to get some of the music out to the metalheads! I still listen to tapes!

The band line-up is also extremely exciting: Necrophiliac from MORDANT is on guitar and
Devastator, the long-time and current drummer of BLOODBATH, is on drums. Tobias Petterson from RAM helped out live on bass guitar. How did this line-up come about?

They are just my friends, and they are all talented musicians. The second guitarist is
Fredrik Folkare from Unleashed and our bass player is Frode “Eld” Kilvik from Norway, who plays in a few bands in the Bergen area of Norway like Gaahls Wyrd and Gravdal.

You now also play in several bands: You joined FRIENDS OF HELL recently. How did that come about, what excites you about this project?
It was more of a coincidence that I joined the band. I got a text from my old friend Tas, and he asked if I could do some guest screams on their new album. We talked for like five minutes and suddenly I was the new singer! (laughs) I think it was ment to be!

The new album will be released in April – to what extent were you already involved in its creation and what can we expect?
After I joined, I flew down to Cyprus, where the band has its base, and recorded the new album. The songs were all finished, but not the vocals and the vocal lines … just the lyrics. Me, Tas and Nick worked together in the studio, and we finished the vocals in a week.

Will FRIENDS OF HELL also be going on tour?
I hope so! We are playing a gig in Sweden at Muskerock in May this year. I hope that will be the
start for more concerts.

Thank you very much for your time – I’m looking forward to seeing you live at Dark Easter in
Munich! Let’s end this interview with a short brainstorming:
Cover artwork painted by Artificial Intelligence
: As everyone seems to hate it, I say I like it! (laughs)
The best Maiden guitarist: There is not one, they are three! They are all the best and as a trinity they are just perfect!
The band Hellhammer: great old metal!
Carpenter nails: good for clothing!
Rob Halford: metal god!
HELLBUTCHER in 10 years: world domination!

NIFELHEIM live auf dem Meh Suff Festival 2021
Hellbutcher live with Nifelheim at Meh-Suff Metal Festival 2021; © Afra Gethöffer-Grütz/

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