Doodseskader präsentieren „I Ask With My Mouth, I’ll Take With My Fist“

Tim De Gieter (Amenra, Much Luv Studio) und Sigfried Burroughs (Kapitan Korsakov, Paard) bilden DOODSESKADER.

„I Ask With My Mouth, I’ll Take With My Fist“ heißt die neue Single des belgischen Duos und erweitert sowohl die musikalische als auch die ästhetische Ebene des Band-Universums.

„Long before we released our first record and up until last year, we’d genuinely been struggling to find our paths and our places in this world„, kommentieren Doodseskader. „In the video, we see Sigfried work his actual day job. The daily routine slowly wears him down, all while he’s putting up posters advertising a lifestyle change. When he finally caves and decides to go and check out the mysterious grailesque item featured on the posters, he is confronted with the one truth we’ve been confronted with ourselves this year: the only way forward is inward. ‚I Ask With My Mouth, I’ll Take With My Fist‘ means exactly what it says; we’re done playing around. In the end, it will be as we envisioned it to be, and there isn’t anyone left that can stop us.“


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