Grimner stellen neues Mitglied vor

Die schwedischen Pagan-Folk-Metaller GRIMNER mussten unlängst den Weggang ihres Gitarristen und Clean-Vokalisten Marcus Asplund Brattberg bekanntgeben. Nun lässt die Band euch wissen, dass Martin Welcel fortan diese Lücke füllen wird.

Hier das offizielle Statement der Band zu ihrem neuen Mann am Sechssaiter und den Clean-Vocals:

„Brothers and sisters!

The time has come to present to you our newest member, who will be our guitarist/clean singer!
His name is Martin Welcel, a man with a fantastic voice and thundering guitar sound, now sworn to our infinite desire to pillage and plunder across the world!

We met him in a mead hall not too far from home, where he was causing trouble for the locals; throwing benches, tables, people into the walls. We asked him if he wanted to satiate his thirst for battle with us, by going a-viking and conquering new lands, instead of brawling his time away in random taverns. Needless to say, he immediately said yes to the offer.

We are enormously happy to have Martin as a member of Grimner, he is a very talented and dedicated musician and a great guy, we know he will be a perfect addition to the group. You will soon hear his voice and string skills on our upcoming album. So please, give him a warm welcome to the crew!“

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Publiziert am von Pascal Weber

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