Godsmack: Video zu „Unforgettable“ online

GODSMACK haben das Musikvideo zum Song „Unforgettable“ vom 2018 veröffentlichten und aktuellen Album „When Legends Rise“ ins Netz gestellt.

Sänger/Gitarrist Sully Erna kommentiert: „We took these middle school students on a two-year long journey to show them how important music truly is to us all. Throughout 2018, we continued to include these kids in all aspects of the process by showing up at their school and personally teaching them the song, including them to join a part of our world tour inviting them to perform live onstage with us, taking them to NYC to further educate them on the business side of the music industry, visiting them at their schools to talk to them about the gift of music, and ultimately inviting them to shoot their first ‚official music video‘ with the band.“


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