Thy Art Is Murder lassen reinhören

Die australischen Extrem-Metal-Band THY ART IS MURDER haben die turbulente dritte Single „Blood Throne“ aus dem am 15. September erscheinenden Album „Godlike“ veröffentlicht.

Guitarist Andy Marsh äußert sich wie folgt: „As we started work on Blood Throne we aimed to harness the same visceral energy that drove Death Squad Anthem while pushing our boundaries to craft something unique. Kicking things off with a break beat groove, we wanted to set the tone with a jolt to the system preparing everyone for the chaos ahead. Blood Throne embodies our attempt at creative anthemic power and groove spiraling into a reflection of oppressive organizations and regimes that profit and thrive on the toil and pain of the marginalized. Throughout our career we have confronted these themes head on with the aim of igniting a fire within each listener and inspiring the collective strength to challenge the dominion of those who perpetuate suffering.“


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