The Exploited: Krebsverdacht bei Sänger, Nordamerika-Tour abgesagt

Über seinen Instagram-Account hat Wattie Buchan, Sänger der britischen Punk-Veteranen THE EXPLOITED, verlauten lassen, dass er sich unmittelbar einigen ärztlichen Untersuchungen unterziehen muss und die Band deshalb die anstehenden Live-Termine in den USA und Kanada canceln muss. Aus Gründen der Transparenz lässt er weiterhin durchblicken, dass seine Ärzte aufgrund der Symptome Krebs vermuten, bittet darüber hinaus aber um Respekt für seine Privatsphäre.

Das Statement im O-Ton:
„We’re really sorry to say the upcoming shows in America and Canada are being cancelled for the time being as I’ve (Wattie) been to the hospital yesterday after waiting six months for this(after being told i needed to be seen within two weeks) , to recheck the issues from back in December when I was bringing up blood.
The doctors said I have to have urgent CT scans and further tests as what they’re seeing they suspect it’s Cancer. Not the type of news anyone wants to hear. We’ve been told these tests will be done in the next couple of weeks as the referrals have all been put through as urgent. I’m sorry again, I was so looking forward to doing these gigs. Please respect my privacy on this matter as my family and I try and process this , but I wanted to be transparent so you all understood why these gigs were being cancelled.
As soon as we have any news good or bad we will update here.“

Wattie Buchan mit The Exploited live 2022

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