Russkaja: neues Musikvideo

Gestern erschien die neue Platte „Peace, Love & Russian Roll“ von RUSSKAJA. Passend dazu wird auch die Videopremiere zum Song „El Pueblo Unido“ gefeiert.
Die Band äußert sich dazu wie folgt:
“‘El Pueblo Unido’ is the first journey in southerly climes: An up-tempo ska song in Spanish plus South American flair including mariachi choirs. The content is to unite with like-minded people and to fight with the peace flag in hand for a planet where all peoples of the world have space and respect each other. The idea is to end oppression and injustice–a song that couldn’t be released at a proper time! The whole atmosphere is wrapped in groovy mid-tempo beats with playful vocals. Respect the people and people respect you!

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Publiziert am von Laura Wyska

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