Ashmedi von Melechesh unter Hausarrest

Vor einigen Wochen wurde MELECHESH-Fronter Ashemdi in Jerusalem wegen Körperverletzung festgenommen und verbrachte drei Tage im Gefängnis. Der Festnahme war ein Streit in einer Bar vorausgegangen, der schließlich eskalierte. Nach Zahlung einer Kaution wurde Ashmedi bis zum Prozessbeginn unter Hausarrest gestellt. Wann die Behandlung beginnt, ist allerdings noch offen.
Nun hat Ashmedi ein Statement zu dem Vorfall veröffentlicht:

“While on vacation in Jerusalem, I was arrested for beating up somebody in a bar fight. After 3 days in jail and a 3000 dollar bail plus 18000 dollar contingent guarantee, I was placed under house arrest for the last 7 weeks and will remain under house arrest until the court sets a date for a trial. Then the judge will decide what will happen next.

“I was having a nice night out at a friend’s bar. After several verbal provocations and then verbal death threats to me, I acted in what to me seemed self-defence and finished it. Normally, people know me, I often stop fights and buy people drinks to calm them down – this time shit hit the fan…

“Well, it was a stupid bar fight, which is not my style really, yet things got out of hand and the vacation turned into a nightmare. 3 days jail and now I am still under house arrest for the last 7 weeks until a yet unknown court date, the fortunate news however is that I will be given permission to do the Melechesh concert in Jerusalem, so I can go out for a few hours to rehearse with my guys and the next day naturally perform with Melechesh.”

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