Dreamshade mit neuem Album

Dreamshade melden sich zurück und präsentieren mit ihrer neuen Single „Lightbringers“ einen Vorgeschmack auf das kommende Album „A Pale Blue Dot“, welches am 05.03.2021 erscheint.


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Frontmann Kevin Calì sagt über die neue Single:

„We’re all living a unique historical period in 2020 in which we
move away from each other, keep our distances and lose touch.
Everyone feels that need to return to the light and get out of this moment that makes us feel imprisoned.

That’s why we decided to release „Lightbringers“ as the first song.
It’s a special one for us. Written and recorded during lockdown.
We knew we wanted to come back to our fans with a track that could hit them hard, bringing back our very own sound from „The Gift Of Life“ record and modernising it.

The result is a positive, deep & energetic song with tight & fast riffs but also some atmospheric and reflective moments in full Dreamshade style.

An emotional charge that hits you straight to the heart from the very first listen.
The title speaks for itself. What better way to restore hope and strength in our listeners than a song with this vibe?

The lyrics urge today’s generations to take care of one another and the beauty that surrounds us. It’s also an invitation for young people to reflect on the future.
I believe we have a commitment to find a balance in life, to always try to improve ourselves and take care of this Pale Blue Dot.“

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