Klimt 1918: Neuer Song online

Am 2. Dezember wird die italienische Band KLIMT 1918 das Doppelalbum „Sentimentale Jugend“ über Prophecy Productions veröffentlichen. Jetzt wurde mit „Comandante“ ein neuer Song online vorgestellt.


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Sänger und Gitarrist Marco Soellner kommentiert: „Comandante“ is a song dedicated to Jorge Josè Ricardo Masetti Blanco. He was an Argentinean journalist who got several interviews with Fidel Castro, as well as with Che Guevara during the Cuban Revolution as a special correspondent and reporter. Struck by the political commitment and devotion towards the ideal of the two guerilleros, he became the leader of one of Argentina’s first guerrilla organizations with the codename „Comandante Segundo“. He started and led this revolution almost alone and killed in complete loneliness. „Comandante“ speaks about loneliness, a loneliness that belongs to who takes on his own responsibilities and decides to accomplish his own goals knowing that by doing so, he would end up alone. It’s the loneliness of the commander because it refers to a poem that I’ve always loved called „Invictus“ written by English poet William Ernest Henley (the last verse):

„It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.“

It gives the feeling that everyone should be master of his fate and captain of his soul even if in life, making these choices results in being alone as  it’s hard to find people to share them with.“

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