Neuzugang bei Frontiers

Das Label FRONTIERS MUSIC SRL hat verkündet, die norwegischen Progressive Metaler WITHEM unter Vertrag genommen zu haben. So soll das zweite Album der Band, „The Unforgiving Road“, unters Volk gebracht werden.

WITHEM kommentieren:

„We were overwhelmed with the reviews and reactions we received worldwide on our first album, and we couldn’t wait for the next WITHEM chapter to take place. We pretty much set a goal for a follow-up soon after ProgPower USA 2014. Soon after we started the writing process, and entered the studio in January 2015 to pursue that ‚difficult second album.‘

„We are extremely happy that we could join forces with Frontiers Music Srl and ‚The Unforgiving Road‘ will hopefully leave our listeners with a smile on their faces. We tried to stick to our guns when it comes to keeping a strong melodic approach to each song, while taking advantage of the unique abilities of every instrument. Overall, we feel that the sound and production has evolved into an even more mature and modern landscape and we can’t wait to share ‚The Unforgiving Road‘ with our friends and fans!“


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Publiziert am von Marc Lengowski

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