Northlane präsentieren neues Musikvideo

Die australischen Metalcoreler NORTHLANE haben kürzlich ein neues Musikvideo veröffentlicht. Der neue Track nennt sich „Citizen“ und es handelt sich nach „Intuition“ um das zweite Musikvideo zu einem neuen Song seit dem 2015er Album „Node“.

Gitarrist Josh Smith über den Track: „‚Citizen‘ is a song that was written about the First World police state and our willingness to live under the watch of those in power, for their means, while those who blow the lid on it suffer.
Writing this one was quite a mission. We went through five completely different sets of lyrics and the final incarnation of the song was the eighth revision. It took a lot of work, but we are proud of it and beyond excited to share it with you all.“


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