Witherfall mit neuem Video

WITHERFALL haben eine besondere Coverversion des Boston-Klassikers „Foreplay/Long Time“ aufgenommen und dieser „Long Time – Long Version“ betitelten Variante nun auch ein eigenes Video gewidmet.
Die Band sagt dazu: „WITHERFALL are huge fans of Boston. We are obviously influenced by the rich guitar and vocal harmony work. Joseph grew up in upstate NY and Tom Scholz would come to his grandpa’s lawnmower shop for repair work. Upon becoming interested in playing guitar Joseph would frequent Bank Place Guitars, a shop owned by Joe Bonamassa’s father and Tom Scholz. Our Version of Boston’s ‚Foreplay / Long Time‘ is a tribute to one of the greatest voices in rock and roll history Boston vocalist Brad Delp who in 2007 tragically took his own life… The re-working of this song reflects the true emotions behind the lyrical content. RIP“


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Publiziert am von Christoph Ilius

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