Jonathan Hultén mit neuem Material

JONATHAN HULTÉN hat ein Video zu seinem Song „The Call To Adventure (The Forest Sessions version)“ veröffentlicht. Der Track wird auf der Platte „The Forest Sessions“ einthalten sein, die am 16. Dezember erscheint.

JONATHAN erinnert sich wie folgt an die Aufnahmen zu „The Call to Adventure (The Forest Sessionsversion)“: „It was the second to last video to be filmed in the 24 hours long filming session. It was 11 am and we had been up all night. At this point we were all feeling fatigued due to the sleep deprivation and the intense focus, but everyone enduringly strove onwards. The location was an old mine. We arrived, lit the torches, set up the lights and started filming pretty much immediately. All ideas and scenes were improvised on the spot which gave the session a really creative and adventurous touch. It all happened so fast and felt like a waking dream, it was a surreal experience. „



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