Iron Maiden: Nicko McBrain macht Schlaganfall öffentlich

Nicko McBrain, bekannt als Schlagzeuger von IRON MAIDEN, hat öffentlich gemacht, dass er Anfang des Jahres einen Schlaganfall hatte. In der Folge war McBrain rechtsseitig von der Schulter abwärts gelähmt. Wie die Konzerte der aktuellen Tour, zuletzt auf dem Wacken Open Air, bewiesen haben, hat die Schlagzeuger-Legende eine erfolgreiche Reha absolviert. Er sei zwar noch nicht wieder bei 100%, aber zumindest bei 70%. Zudem sei ihm wichtig gewesen, diese Information erst nach der Tour an die Öffentlichkeit zu geben.

Hier das Statement von Nicko im O-Ton:
Hello Boys and Girls,
I hope this message finds you all well!
The reason I’m writing to you all today is to let you know of a very serious health problem that I have been through. In January I had a stroke, thank the Lord it was a minor one referred to as a TIA. It left me paralyzed on my right side from my shoulder on down, of course I was very worried that my career was over but with the love and support from my wife, Rebecca and family, my doctors, especially Julie my OT (Occupational Therapist), and my Maiden family I was able to bounce back to somewhere near 70% recovered. After 10 weeks of intense therapy it was almost time to start rehearsals for our tour. I feel it’s important to let you know about this now instead of earlier as I was mainly concerned with doing my job and concentrating on getting back to 100% fitness. I’m not there yet but by the grace of God I’m getting better and stronger as the weeks go by.
Thank you all for a most wonderful and magical tour so far, you have all been so amazing.
Well that’s it from me. God bless you all, stay safe and well and I look forward to seeing you all somewhere in time. 🙂🙂


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