Justin Bartletts: Spendenkampagne für krebskranken Artwork-Künstler

Justin Bartletts kennen wohl die wenigsten – seine Kunst hingegen viele: Oft unter dem Künstlernamen Vberkvlt hat er Artworks für diverse Bands wie Aura Noir, Trap Them, Cadaver oder Hooded Menace gestaltet. Nun wurde dem Künstler Darmkrebs in Stadium IV diagnostiziert.

Seine Schwester hat eine GoFundMe-Kampagne ins Leben gerufen, um ihn und seine Familie zu unterstützen. Wer ihn unterstützen möchte, kann dies hier tun:

> https://uk.gofundme.com/f/justinbartlettcancerfund

Seine Schwester schreibt dazu:
„As I dropped him off at his Oncology appointment, I looked at my brother and I said, “Justin, this sucks so much.” With pain and exhaustion in his eyes, he replied, “And… this is just the beginning.” Shortly after that conversation, it was confirmed that my brother, Justin Bartlett, has Stage 4 Colorectal Cancer. We had our suspicions based on his symptoms, and the cryptic scan results that had been sent home with him from his latest Emergency Room stay. Since then he’s already had three surgeries, and is due to start chemotherapy soon.

Justin is one of my best friends. He’s funny, intelligent, generous, and extremely talented. He has his own business working as a graphic designer & gallery artist — most famously in the heavy metal music genre. If you’re a metal fan, you’ve seen some of his album cover work and merchandise designs. He’s got a LONG road ahead of him, and needs help with medical and living expenses because he’s too exhausted and in pain to work.“

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