Keep Of Kalessin: Albumtitel und Releasedate

Die norwegischen Black-Metaller KEEP OF KALESSIN werden am 24. März 2023 ihr neues Album „Katharsis“ veröffentlichen. Das geht aus einer Mitteilung des Kreuzfahrt-Festivals 70000TONS OF METAL 2023 hervor. KEEP OF KALESSIN werden dort zwei exklusive Sets spielen: Zum einen besagtes neues Album in voller Länge, zum anderen eine 25th Anniversary Anthology Show.

„KEEP OF KALESSIN have been announced for 70000TONS OF METAL 2023, with two very exclusive sets planned. As one of the festival’s many exclusive performances announced, these pioneers of Epic Extreme Metal will perform their upcoming album „Katharsis“ in its entirety for one of their sets. As an added bonus, there will also be an exclusive listening session of „Katharsis“ hosted for fans on board. The rest of the world will have to wait until the album is released on March 24, 2023. As every band plays two sets on 70000TONS OF METAL, KEEP OF KALESSIN will also perform a special 25th Anniversary Anthology show for their second.“

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