Urkraft: Auflösung und Abschiedsgeschenk

Die dänischen Death Metal BAND URKRAFT löst sich auf und bietet ihren Fans als Abschiedsgeschenk das 2008er Album “ A Scornful Death“ zum kostenlosen Download an.

„A Scornful Death“ Track List:

01. The Power to Crucify
02. Intermezzo
03. Eternity’s Chamber
04. A Miracle Grotesque
05. The Murderer in All Men
06. Fed To Dogs
07. Ghost 08
08. Shrieking of the Mad

Zur Bandhomepage

Das Statement der Band:

We would like to express our gratitude to fans and friends who have supported us throughout the years, bought the records, showed up at gigs or even shared the stage with us.

We have achieved a lot of the things we hoped for when we started the band: Album releases, lots of gigs and tours, beers and booze, good friends, and much more. There have been plenty of ups and downs, and as many other bands we have taken our share of beatings from the music industry… nothing comes for free, so thank you and fuck you! To everyone else… cheers!

To share with you our latest piece of work we invite you all to download our 2008 full length recording „A Scornful Death“ in mp3/cd quality. The record is the 3rd from Urkraft and definitely our chief piece of work! Overall we intended to make this album loud, angry and dirty, and we are quite satisfied with the result – so we hope youll let it blow your speakers…

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